HAID: Human-AI Interaction for Dementia Care

Caring for individuals living with dementia can be a challenging and emotionally taxing experience, especially for caregivers who are often spouses or partners. Many caregivers lack prior experience in providing care and would greatly benefit from training and support. With the advancements in AI techniques, human-centered AI interaction approaches have shown promise in enhancing dementia care. As the 1st edition, this workshop focuses on the intersection of human-computer interaction (HCI) and artificial intelligence (AI) to address the unique challenges associated with dementia care. Dementia presents multifaceted cognitive and emotional hurdles, and the workshop aims to explore how AI technologies can improve the quality of life for individuals with dementia while also supporting their caregivers. By bringing together researchers, practitioners, caregivers, and stakeholders, the workshop seeks to foster collaboration and innovation in the design, development, and implementation

List of Topics

Planed Schedule

  1. Welcome and Introduction (15 minutes)
  2. Keynote Presentation (25 + 5 Q/A) (30 minutes) Arvid Rongve
  3. Paper Presentations (60 minutes)
  4. Coffee Break (40 minutes)
  5. Keynote Presentation (25 + 5 Q/A) (30 minutes) Pin Sym Foong
  6. Beakout Sessions (45 minutes)
  7. Concluding Remarks (10 minutes)

Call for Participants

Participants will be invited to submit extended abstracts focusing on research related to the central theme and various topics of the workshop. Submissions should follow the ACM single-column format, with a maximum page length of four pages, excluding references. We will encourage the submission of papers describing work-in-progress, preliminary results, or position papers to foster discussion and peer review of emerging ideas. Furthermore, we will also support participants in sharing their papers on platforms like arXiv or other open repositories. Selected submissions will be invited for oral presentations at the workshop, providing authors with a valuable opportunity to showcase their insights and findings to the audience.